Recognized: 1824
Relations established: 1824
Legation/embassy established: 1825


POTUS Visits to Brazil
SECSTATE Visits to Brazil
US Ambassadors to Brazil
Natural Disasters in Brazil
Terrorism in Brazil

Detachment Photos: SAO PAULO Photo Album
Detachment Alpha Roster: SAO PAULO Detachment
Together-We-Served: SAO PAULO

U.S. Embassy: Brazil
Britannica: Brazil
Google: Brazil
CIA World Factbook: Brazil
DOS History: Brazil
Travel: Brazil
Travel Advisory: Brazil
Time: Brazil
Weather: Brazil
Phrase Book: Portuguese


2020 Detachment Commander:
September 18, SECSTATE Michael R. Pompeo Met with Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo.

August 5–6 SECSTATE John Forbes Kerry Met with Foreign Minister Jose Serra and attended the Opening Ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Rio de Janeiro

2013 Detachment Commander:
August 13, SECSTATE John Forbes Kerry Met with President Dilma Roussef, Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota, and Education Minister Aloizio Mercadante. Brasilia

2012 Detachment Commander:
April 16–18 SECSTATE Hillary Rodham Clinton Attended the 3rd U.S.-Brazil Global Partnership Dialogue. Addressed the First Annual meeting of the Open Government Partnership. Brasilia ,
June 20–22, SECSTATE Hillary Rodham Clinton Attended the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Rio de Janeiro

2011 Detachment Commander:
January 1, SECSTATE Hillary Rodham Clinton Attended the inauguration of President Rouseff. Brasilia
March 19–21 POTUS Barack Obama Met with President Roussef., (Brasilia / Rio)

March 2–3, SECSTATE Hillary Rodham Clinton Met with President Lula da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim. Held a Town Hall Interview at Zumbi dos Palmares University in Sao Paulo. Brasilia, Sao Paulo

2007 Detachment Commander:
March 8–9, POTUS George W. Bush Met with President Lula da Silva.
SECSTATE Condoleezza Rice Accompanied President Bush.

2006 Detachment Commander:
March 12, SECSTATE Condoleezza Rice Stopped en route to Indonesia. Rio de Janeiro

2005 Detachment Commander:
November 5 POTUS: George W. Bush Met with President Lula da Silva. Brasilia
SECSTATE Condoleezza Rice Accompanied President Bush
April 26–27 SECSTATE Condoleezza Rice Met with President da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim. Brasilia

May 14 11,000 Brazilians' long march to Brasilia to protest land reform The Guardian

May 11 Arabs join summit in Brasília NY Times
Summit of South American-Arab Countries.
16 Top officials from 34 South American, Middle Eastern and North African countries

2004 Detachment Commander: Gy Sgt. Chris Albright
Watchstanders: Sgt. Will Carrier, Sgt. Jorge Dimmer, Sgt. Tim Landwerlen, Sgt. Zach Storru
October 4–6, SECSTATE Colin Luther Powell Met with President Lula da Silva and Foreign Minister Amorim and addressed the American Chamber of Commerce. Brasilia, Sao Paulo

2003 Detachment Commander: GySgt. Chris Albright
Watchstanders: Sgt. Will Carrier, Sgt. Jorge Dimmer, Sgt. Tim Landwerlen, Sgt. Zach Storrud,

Brazil wins World Cup Soccer - Wikipedia

2001 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jacky Evans,

2000 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jacky Evans,

1999 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Ray A. Deal Jr.,

1997 Detachment Commander:
October 13–15, POTUS William J. Clinton Met with President Cardosa; delivered several public addresses Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro .
SECSTATE Madeleine Korbel Albright Accompanied President

1996 Detachment Commander:
March 1–3, SECSTATE Warren Minor Christopher Met with President Cardoso and Foreign Minister Lampreia. Signed agreement on peaceful uses of atomic energy, visited National Institute for Amazon Research. Sao Paulo, Brasilia, Manaus

1994 Detachment Commander:
Brazil wins World Cup Soccer - Wikipedia

1992 Detachment Commander:
June 12–13, POTUS George H.W. Bush Attended the Earth Summit Meeting. Rio de Janeiro

1990 Detachment Commander:
December 3–4 POTUS George H.W. Bush Met with President Collor de Mello and addressed a Joint Session of the Brazilian Congress. Brasilia

1989 Detachment Commander:
Transition from Military to Elected Government

January 1985, Tancredo Neves voted in as President.
April 1985 Neves dies from illness. Vice President Jose Sarney, becames President
1989 Brazil completes transition to a popularly elected government - Fernando Collor de Mello first direct presidential election in 29 years
Brazil Military Dictatorship - 1964 - 19851979
March 22: Mondale Sees New Brazil Leaders; Points of Contention Avoided. NY Times
Vice President Mondale met today with Brazil's new President, Gen. Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo, in an effort to continue the recent improvement in relations, which deteriorated in the early months of the Carter Administration.

1988 Detachment Commander:
August 4–8, SECSTATE George Pratt Shultz Met with President Sarney and senior Brazilian officials. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia

1984 NCOIC:
February 3–7, SECSTATE George Pratt Shultz Signed a bilateral science and technology agreement. Brasilia
November 10–13, SECSTATE George Pratt Shultz Attended OAS General Assembly Meeting. Brasilia

1982 NCOIC:
November 30–December 3 POTUS Ronald Reagan Official working visit; met with President Figueiredo. Brasilia, Sao Paulo
SECSTATE George Pratt Shultz Accompanied President Reagan ,

1978 NCOIC:
March 29–31, POTUS Jimmy Carter Official visit; met with President Geisel and addressed Brazilian Congress. Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro
SECSTATE Cyrus Roberts Vance Accompanied President Carter

1977 NCOIC:
June 6: Mrs. Carter Arrives in Brazil Facing Toughest Test of Trip
St Petersburg Times NY Tmes LA Times

November 22: SecState Cyrus Vance Visit to Brasilia NY Times Spokane Daily Chronicle[exerpt]Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance urged Brazil's leaders today to reconsider their commitment to a nuclear-energy program using plutonium fuel, calling it uneconomic and politically hazardous

1976 NCOIC:
February 19–21 SECSTATE Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) KissingerMet with Foreign Minister Silveira. Signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Brasilia

1973 NCOIC:
May 19–22, SECSTATE William Pierce Rogers Met with President Medici and senior Brazilian officials. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia

1969 NCOIC:
Kidnapping of Ambassador Elbrick
Dept of State Communications concerning incident - Historical Archives
Telegram from US Embassy Rio to US State Dept (Sept 4, 1969)
Telegram from State Dept to US Embassy Rio (Sept 4, 1969, 2256)
Memorandum from SecState Kissenger to President Nixon (Sept 25, 1969, 2256)

(Wikipedia) In 1969 the Revolutionary Movement 8th October kidnapped Charles Burke Elbrick, the U.S. ambassador to Brazil. The rebels demanded the release of imprisoned dissidents in exchange for Ambassador Elbrick. The government responded by adopting more brutal measures of counter-insurgency, leading to the assassination of Carlos Marighela, a guerrilla leader, two months after Elbrick's kidnapping. This marked the beginning of the decline of armed resistance.
In 21 years of Brazilian dictatorship there were 339 documented cases of government-sponsored political assassinations or disappearances. More were questioned, tortured, and jailed

1965 NCOIC:
November 16–24, SECSTATE David Dean Rusk Attended the Second Special Inter-American Conference. Rio de Janeiro

1962 NCOIC:
Brazil wins World Cup Soccer - Wikipedia

1961 NCOIC:
May 31: US Admiral Intercedes in Cruise Liner Hijack off of Recife Wikipedia The Freelance Star
June 23: SecTresury Douglas Dillon & SecState Adlai Stevenson Visit
- Cuba Discussion with Brazil / Latin America - Time Magazine

1960 NCOIC:
February 23–26, POTUS Dwight D. Eisenhower Met with President Kubitschek and addressed Brazilian Congress. Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo
SECSTATE Christian Archibald Herter Accompanied President Eisenhower

100,000 Attend Mass, Carnival
Chicago Tribune New York Times Brazil's New Capital City is Born

1958 NCOIC:
August 4–6, SECSTATE John Foster Dulles Official visit. Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia

1954 NCOIC:
Brazilian President Vargas resigns (expecting a coup), then commits suicide.

1952 NCOIC:
July 2–8, SECSTATE Dean Gooderham Acheson Official visit. Addressed the Brazilian Congress. Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belem

MCESG Region 4 (MSGBn Company D) (HQMC F Company)
(Volunteer Detachment Archivist Needed)
Send updates / corrections to

US Consulate General - Sao Paulo


Albright, Chris, GySgt. 03-04 DetCmdr.
Beck, Richard E. 77-79
Carpenter, Delbert LeRoy 82
Carrier, Will, Sgt. 03-04
Dimmer, Jorge, Sgt. 03-04
DiPaolo, Sean 96-97
Evans, Jacky 00-01
Irish, Dennis, Sgt. 96-98
Jarvis, Kevin W. 78 *
Landwerlen, Tim, Sgt. 03-04
Lash, Reedy 74-75
Lynch, Keith, Sgt. 82-84
Moses, Jeff, GySgt. 96-98 Det Cmdr.
Nelson, John S.
Paone, Tony 95-97
Picano, Randy 91-93
Raney, Ken Raney 77-80
Sellhorn, Andrew L. 97-98
Stockton, Eric J.
Storrud, Zach, Sgt. 03-04
Van Cleave, Rollie M. 89-90

MSG Detachment Photo Album

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2012 Marine Corps Ball
2012 Independance Day Celebration
2011 Independance Day

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