Nairobi, Kenya

Marine Security Guard Battalion: Company F

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Aliganga, Jesse Nathan (98) Kiilled on August 7, 1998 in a terrorist attack on the Embassy.
Arrington, Kenneth Darnell (12/86-3/87)
Briehl, Daniel L. (98)C
Carpenter, S. E., Cpl. (94)

Childers, Therrel S., Sgt. (95-97)
KIA Irag March 21, 2003 Fallen Heroes

Davis, T. C. (83-84)
Evers, Bryan (99-00)
Fairbanks, Craig W. (85-87) Detachment Commander
Fenrich, Eric R. (88-91)
Gay, J. B., Sgt. (93 - 94) A/Detachment Commander
Garrow, Shawn T. (75-77)
Gee, Mickey (96-97)
Gonzales, Darrel (93-94)
Greer, Greg. A., Cpl. (94-95)
Gundlock, Mike (87-88)
Haney, (Daley) Megan (00-01) (LinkedIn)
Harrell, Mark (82)
Himmel, Ray (86-87)
Isaacson, Jerrell Everett (4/00-3/02)
Jackson, Matthew (87-89)
Johnson, Harold (97-98)
Lancaster, G. S., Cpl. (94)
Lempke, T. E., Cpl. (93-94)

Mainor, LaPrelle (Malik) (92-94)
Moore, (?) Cpl (71)
Moore, Tony (88-90)
Morfin, (?) Sgt (84)
Paesano, M. H., Sgt. (93-94)
Parry, T. A., Cpl. (93-94)
Pierce, J. W., GySgt. (93-94) Detachment Commander
Puchalski, Casimir (86)
Richard Jr., Francis J. (75-76)
Russell, Aaron David (10/97-10/98)
Shelp, Mark (?)
Smiles, George E. (63)
Smith, Dan (85)
Sparks, J. A., LCpl. (94)
Stavely Jr., Louis G. (71-72)
Sullivan, I. D., Sgt. (94)
Threat, Elliot (91-92)
Torres, Joseph. D., Sgt. (94) A/Detachment Commander
Whitten, S. D. GySgt. (94) Detachment Commander
Whittle, Brandon A. (02)
Woodhouse, Steven H. (66-68)

Country Information.

U.S. Embassy: Kenya
Together-We-Served: Nairobi
Britannica: Kenya
Google: Kenya
CIA World Factbook: Kenya
Wikipedia: Kenya
DOS History: Kenya
Travel: Kenya
Travel Advisory: Kenya
Time: Kenya
Weather: Kenya
Phrase Book: Kenya
Google News: Kenya
WikiNews: Kenya
Phrase Book: Swahili

Sergeant Jesse Nathanael Aliganga

07 August 1998: Killed in a Terrorist bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya
Born: 17 Oct 1976
Oakland, Alameda County, California, USA
MOS : 2512-Wireman
USMC Service: 1994 - 1998
Mother: Clara L. Aliganga, of Tallahassee, Fla.
High School: Tallahassee, Florida (1994)


List of Ambassadors to Nairobi, Kenya
POTUS visits to Kenya
SECSTATE visits to Kenya

Plot to bomb embassy foiled
21 March: Former MSG Therrel S. Childers 1st US Casualty of Iraq War KIA

2002 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jerrell Everett Isaacson, Brandon A. Whittle,

2001 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Megan (Daley) Haney, Jerrell Everett Isaacson,

2000 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Bryan Evers, Megan (Daley) Haney, Jerrell Everett Isaacson,

1999 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Bryan Evers,

1998 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Sgt. Jesse Aliganga KIA,
Sgt. Daniel M. Briehl (WIA),
Harold Johnson, Aaron David Russell,

1997 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Therrel Childers, Mickey Gee, Harold Johnson, Aaron David Russell,

1996 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Therrel Childers, Mickey Gee,

1995 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Therrel Childers, Greg A. Greer,

1994 RSO : Charles R. Chase / Seymore C. DeWitt
Detachment Commander: GySgt. J. W. Pierce / GySgt. S. D. Whitten
A/: Sgt. J. B. Gay / Sgt J. E. Torres
Watchstanders: Cpl. S. E. Carpenter, Sgt. T. S. Childers, Cpl.Greg A. Greer, Cpl. G. S. Lancaster, Cpl. T. E. Lempke, LaPrelle (Malik) R. Mainor, Sgt. M. H. Paesano, Cpl T. A. Parry, LCpl. J. A. Sparks, Sgt. I. D. Sullivan, Sgt. J. E. Torres, Cpl Gonzales, Darrel

1993 RSO : Charles R. Chase
Detachment Commander: GySgt. J. W. Pierce A/: Sgt. J. B. Gay
Watchstanders: Cpl. T. E. Lempke, LaPrelle (Malik) R. Mainor, Sgt. M. H. Paesano, Cpl. T. A. Parry,

1992 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: LaPrelle (Malik) R. Mainor, Elliot Threat,

1991 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Elliot Threat, David Henderson

1990 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Tony Moore,

1989 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Matthew Jackson, Tony Moore,

1988 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Mike Gundlock, Matthew Jackson, Tony Moore,

1987 Detachment Commander: Craig W. Fairbanks
Watchstanders: Kenneth Darnell Arrington, Mike Gundlock, Ray Himmel, Matthew Jackson,

1986 Detachment Commander: Craig W. Fairbanks
Watchstanders: Kenneth Darnell Arrington, Ray Himmel, Casimir Puchalski,

1984 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: T. C. Davis, Sgt Morfin,

1983 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: T. C. Davis,

1982 Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Mark Harrell,

1977 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Shawn T. Garrow,

1976 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Shawn T. Garrow, Francis J. Richard Jr.,

1975 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Shawn T. Garrow, Francis J. Richard Jr.,

1972 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Louis G. Stavely Jr.,

1968 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Steven H. Woodhouse,

1967 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Steven H. Woodhouse,

1963 NCOIC:
Watchstanders: George E. Smiles,
Embassy Nairobi was established Dec 12, 1963, with Laurence C. Vass as Chargé d'Affaires ad interim

Incident Report: Sgt. Aliganga KIA
Killed in the attack on US Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. Part of a simultaneous suicide bomb attack / car bombs were exploded at U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
224 Killed / over 4000 wounded.
Terrorists: Al-Qaeda network (Osama bin Laden)

From: Andrew Wroblewski
Sgt Aliganga was assigned as a U.S. embassy guard in Nairobi, Kenya and was on duty when the blast occurred. He joined the Marine Corps in January, 1995. Aliganga served with the 3rd Marine Division in Okinawa, Japan and was assigned to the 1st Force Service Support Group at Camp Pendleton, Calif. when he was selected to become a Marine security guard. The only other Marine casualty was Sgt. Daniel M. Briehl who was also assigned to the U.S. embassy in Nairobi. Briehl was treated for his injuries and released.

Arlington Cemetary
Department of State Memorial
Facebook-MSG Duty
CBS News
DOS - 25 Anniversary Embassy Bombings

1st Lieutenant Therrel Shane Childers

MOS - 0302 Infantry Officer

Marine Security Guard: US Consulate Geneva, Switzerland (93-95) & Nairobi, Kenya (95-97)
KIA : 21 March 2003: RAMALYAH, IRAQ
First Serviceman killed in Iraq war (Dessert Storm I).
Born: 19 June 1972 - West Hamlin, Lincoln County, West Virginia
Hometown: Harrison County, MS

MOS - 0302 Infantry Officer
Marine Security Guard: US Consulate Geneva, Switzerland (93-95) & Nairobi, Kenya (95-97)
KIA : 21 March 2003: RAMALYAH, IRAQ
First Serviceman killed in Iraq war (Dessert Storm I).
Together-We-Served: Therrel S. Childers Therrel S Childers
NPR: Therrel S. Childers
Find A Grave: Therrel Childers