Islamabad, Pakistan
Detachment Photos: ISLAMABAD Photo Album
Detachment Alpha Roser: ISLAMABAD Detachment
Together We Served: ISLAMABAD
U.S. Embassy : Karachi
U.S. Consulate General: Islamabad
U.S. Consulate General: Lahore
Presidentual visits to Pakistan
List of Travels SECSTATE to Pakistan
List of US Ambasssadors to Pakistan
List of Natural Disasters to Pakistan
List of Terrorist events in Pakistan
US Embassy: Pakistan
Britannica: Pakistan
Google: Pakistan
CIA World Factbook: Pakistan
Wikipedia: Pakistan
DOS History: Pakistan
Travel: Pakistan
Time: Islamabad
Weather: Pakistan
Phrase Book: Urdu
Google News: Pakistan
September 5: SECSTATE Visit (Michael Pompeo)
October 24: SECSTATE Visit (Rex Tillerson)
January 12: SECSTATE Visit (John Kerry)
July 13 - August 2: SECSTATE Visit (John Kerry)
2012 - Two U.S. diplomats injured in car-bomb attack in Pakistan
May 27: SECSTATE Visit (Hillary Clinton)
October 20: SECSTATE Visit (Hillary Clinton)
July 18/19: SECSTATE Visit (Hillary Clinton)
2009 - Detachment Commander: Leland Chartier, A/Detachment Commander: Bradley Etzweiler,
Watchstanders: Moises Cantos, Blake Costa, Ryan Flowerette, Joseph Koesters, Brandon Mastrude, Mahlon Moyer, Shawn Shierbeek,
October 29: SECSTATE Visit (Hillary Clinton)
2008 - Detachment Commander: Leland Chartier, A/Detachment Commander: Bradley Etzweiler
Watchstanders: Moises Cantos, Blake Costa, Ryan Flowerette, Joseph Koesters, Brandon Mastrude, Mahlon Moyer, Shawn Shierbeek,
December 4: SECSTATE Visit (Condoleezza Rice)
2006- Detachment Commander:
March 3-4: POTUS Visit (George Bush) / SECSTATE (Condoleezza Rice)
June 27/28: SECSTATE Visit (Condoleezza Rice)
MSG Foils car bombing
March 16: SECSTATE Visit (Condoleezza Rice)
October 12: SECSTATE Visit (Condoleezza Rice)
2004 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jeremy Arnold, Rudy Galima, Demetrius Gilchrist, James Othello III,
March 17: SECSTATE Visit (Colin Powell)
2002 - Detachment Commander: GySgt. Michael E. Schellenbach
Watchstanders: Demetrius Gilchrist, Ramiro Olmor, Tommy A. Vaughn III,
January 15: SECSTATE Visit (Colin Powell)
2001 - Detachment Commander: GySgt. Michael E. Schellenbach
Watchstanders: Ramiro Olmor
October 15: SECSTATE Visit (Colin Powell)
2000 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jaime Bustamante, Bruce M. Mathis,
March 25: POTUS Visit (Bill Clinton)
1999 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: David A. Burns, Jaime Bustamante, (?) Eyestone, Bruce M. Mathis, Brady Wentland,
1998 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: (?) Eyestone, Bruce M. Mathis, Brady, Wentland,
1997 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Andrew L. Sellhorn,
November 17: SECSTATE Visit (Madeleine Albright) Visited Afghan Refugee Camp
1996 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Mario Pascuccio, Andrew L. Sellhorn,
1995 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jason Christman, Mario Pascuccio, Andrew L. Sellhorn,
Joe Longobardo - New York State Trooper KIA 03Sep2006
1994 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Jason Christman,
Joe Longobardo - New York State Trooper KIA 03Sep2006
1989 - Detachment Commander: Michael Clark,
Watchstanders: William J. Puller,
1988 - Detachment Commander: Michael Clark,
Watchstanders: William J. Puller,
August 19: SECSTATE Visit (George Schultz) Funeral of President Zia.
1986 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: John Frederick Bogesvang,
1985 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: John Frederick Bogesvang, Sgt Frankinburger,
1984 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Sgt Frankinburger, L/Cpl Pennington,
1983 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: Walter L. Wildes,
July 2 - 4: SECSTATE Visit (George Schultz)
1982 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: James Todd, Cpl Wickstrand, Walter L. Wildes,
1981 - Detachment Commander:
Watchstanders: James Todd,
1980 - Company Commander: Maj Jeff T. Ronald / Executive Officer: Capt. Robert E. Lee
Detachment Commander:
* Maj. Muth No XO was assigned. Maj. Muth moved Co. B headquarters to New Delhi, India in Sep. 80
1979 - NCOIC: Loyd G. Miller,
Watchstanders: *Steven J. Crowley, Steven J. Garrison, James 'JC' Preece,
- Attack on US Embassy in Islambabad. Corporal Steven J. Crowley killed by sniper
Terrorist Attack on US Embassy
Time Magazine - "Flames Engulf US Embassy in Pakastan"
Cpl Crowley killed in attack
Article from Washington Post by Cameron W. Barr - 1979 Embassy Siege In Islamabad Still Haunts Survivors.
Chronology of Attack on Embassy
1978 - NCOIC: GySgt. Matthew Sykes
Watchstanders: Steven J. Garrison, James 'JC' Preece,
1977 - NCOIC: GySgt. Clyde S. Cropper / GySgt. Matthew Sykes
Watchstanders: Sgt. Jeffery Cummings, Sgt. Bob Dooley, Cpl. Robert Gallagher, Sgt. Robert Gonzalez, Cpl. Brian Handoga, Cpl. Ralph Herring, Cpl. Michael Smith, Richard Meixsel
1976 - RSO: Brendon Patrick O'Hanlon (1993 - RSO Manilla)
Company Commander: LtCol Braun
NCOIC: GySgt. Clyde S. Cropper, (Transferred to MSG School - Chief Instructor)
Watchstanders: Cpl. Robert Gallagher, Howard S. Minyard (Became Naval Officer) , Richard Meixsel, Mike Tidwell, Bill Carter, "Red" Miller(Seoul)
August 8/9: SECSTATE Visit (Henry Kissinger)
1975 - RSO: Brendon Patrick O'Hanlon
Company Commander:
NCOIC: GySgt. Clyde S. Cropper,
Watchstanders: Howard S. Minyard, Paul H. Poyhonen, Mike Tidwell, Bill Carter
1974 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Paul H. Poyhonen,
October 31 - November : SECSTATE Visist (Henry Kissinger)
1973 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Paul H. Poyhonen,
1972 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: James M. Davis, Cpl Guy, Robert E. Jones,
1971 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: James G. Davidson, James M. Davis, Stephen Fox (Rawalpindi),
1970 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: James G. Davidson,
1969 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Arnold "Arn" N. Manella (Rawalpindi),
August 1-2: POTUS Visit (Richard Nixon)
1968 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: Arnold "Arn" N. Manella (Rawalpindi),
December 23: POTUS Visit (Lyndon Johnson)
1966 - NCOIC:
Watchstanders: LCpl. Riley (Rawalpindi),
December 27: POTUS Visit Dwight Eisenhower
Corporal Steven J. Crowley
Cpl. Steven J. Crowley, died on November 21, 1979, at U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan. He was shot during a student mob attack on the Embassy.
Born: March 27, 1959
Died: November 21, 1979 (aged 20)
Buried at Arlington National Cemetery
Awards: Bronze Star Medal with Valor device
Purple Heart
MSGHistory KIA MEMOIAL - MEGA "The Fallen"
MCESG Region 1 (MSGBn Company A) (HQMC F Company)
(Volunteer Detachment Archivist Needed)
Send updates / corrections to
Joseph Anthony Longobardo
Sergeant, USMC - Islamabad MSG: 1994-95
Trooper , New York State Police: 1998 - 2006
Born: May 24, 1974
Died: September 3, 2006
Buried: Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery
Schuylerville, Saratoga County, New York, USA
Together We Served: Joseph A. Longobardo
Joseph Anthony Longobardo (1974-2006) - Find a Grave Memorial
Trooper Joseph Anthony Longobardo, New York State Police, New York
Walk/run recalls Trooper Longobardo 10 years after his death
As Slain Trooper Is Honored, Case Is Built Against Suspect - The New York Times
Alpha Roster
Arnold, Jeremy (03-04)
Bogesvang, John Frederick (85-86)
Burns, David A. (99)
Bustamante, Jaime (99-00)
Cantos, Moises (08-09)
Chartier, Leland (08-09)
Christman, Jason (94-95)
Clark, Michael (88-89)
Costa, Blake (08-09)
Cropper, Clyde S., GySgt. (75-77) NCOIC
Crowley, Steven J. (79) KIA Nov. 21, 1979.
Cummings, Jeffery, Sgt. (77-77)
Davidson, James G. (70-71)
Davis, Jesse M. (71-72)
Dooley, Bob, Sgt. (77-77)
Etzweiler, Bradley (08-09)
Eyestone, (?) (98-99
Flowerette, Ryan (08-09)
Fox, Stephen (71) Rawalpindi
Frankinburger, (?) (84)
Galima, Ruidy A. (03-04)
Gallagher, Robert, Cpl. (76-77)
Garrison, Steven J. (78-79)
Gilchrist, Demetrius (02-04)
Gonzalez, Robert, Sgt. (77-77)
Guy, (?) (72)
Handoga, Brian, Cpl. (77-77)
Herring, Ralph, Cpl. (77-77)
Jones, Robert E. (72)
Koesters, Joseph (08-09)
Longbardo, Joe (94-95) New York State Trooper KIA
Manella, Arnoln "Arn" N. (68-69) Rawalpindi
Mastrude, Brandon, (08-09)
Mathis, Bruce M. (98-00)
Meixsel, Richard (76-77)
Miller, Loyd G. (79) *NCOIC during attack on embassy that killed Cpl. Crowley
Minyard, Howard S. (75-76)
Moyer, Mahlon (08-09)
Olmor, Ramiro (01-02)
Othello III, James (04-05)
Pascuccio, Mario (95-96)
Pennington, (?) (84)
Poyhonen, Paul H. (73-74, 74-75)
Preece, James 'JC' (78-79)
Puller, William J. (88-89)
Riley, (?) (66) Rawalpindi
Schellenbach, Michael E., GySgt (01-02) Det. Cmdr
Sellhorn, Andrew L. (95-97)
Shierbeek, Shawn (08-09)
Smith, Michael, Cpl., (77-77)
Sykes, Matthew, GySgt. (77-78) NCOIC
Todd, James (81-82)
Vaughn III, Tommy A. (02)
Wentland, Brady (98-99)
Wickstrand, (?) (82)
Wildes, Walter L. (82-83)
Together-We-Served List
Arnold, Jeremy A., GySgt
Ballard, Robert (Bob), Capt
Blanco, Helios F. (Beast), Sgt
Bowden, Beau (Jedi), MSgt
Bustamante, Jaime, GySgt
Butler, Joel Bruce (Cannonball), Sgt
Crowley, Steven j., Sgt -KIA
Cumming, Jeffrey, Sgt
Fasana, Giuseppe (Gus), GySgt
Gilchrist, Demetrius M., Sgt
Gruenert, Robert, Sgt
Herring, PAUL, Sgt
Holmes, Bruce, Sgt
Huffaker, Christopher, GySgt
James, Othello U., II (Jimmy), SSgt
Kirschner, D. C., MGySgt
Knefelkamp, Joshua, Cpl
Krebs, Steven (Krebs), SSgt
Lagunero, Jimmy, GySgt
Lamberg, Michael, SSgt
Lamey, Jeffrey, MSgt
Lopez, Eddie, GySgt
Miller, Larry, SSgt
Minyard, Scott, Sgt
Moseley, Mark (Mose), GySgt
Nelson, Jeff, GySgt
Olmos, Ramiro, SgtMaj
Pagtakhan, Pejay, SSgt
Parra Jr., Arthur R. (Parra), MGySgt
Pascuccio, Mario, Sgt
Puller, Bill, Sgt
Puller, William J.., Sgt
Racer, Joseph (Racer), Sgt
Richmond, Neil D., Sgt
Rideout, Dan, GySgt
Rider, Jason, Sgt
Santoni, Louis, MSgt
Schellenbach, Mike, MSgt
Sisco, William F.., MGySgt
Todd, Jim (Todd), Sgt
Wallace, Wesley, Sgt
Wheeler, William (War Pig 8), 1stSgt
Wylie, Richard, Sgt
Ziobro, Henry G. (Hank), Cpl
MSG Detachment Photo Album
Send pictures, descriptions and references to
2012 - Gen. John Allen - Detachment Photo
1999 - Detachment Photo
1979 - Pakastani Army helicopter over Embassy during attack
US Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan
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978 822-6373
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