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Welcome to the home of the Marine Embassy Guard Association (MEGA), Marine Security Guard Program Historical Archives.
The association membership is composed of those who have honorably completed tours as Marine Security Guards (MSGs) with the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (formerly the Marine Security Guard Battalion) or those Marines who served as HQ or Regional support staff. Associate Members include member spouses, and Department of State Regional Security Officers and their support staff.
Formerly known as "Embassy Marines" and formed through an agreement established in 1948, between the US Department of State and the United State Marine Corps, Marine Security Guards perform security operations at overseas diplomatic facilities.
MEGA is celebration of solidarity and brotherhood of those MSGs that served. Formed in 1997 by our founder Robert "Big Bob" Kienietz and the organization and has grown steadily each year.
If you are a visiting MSG or former MSG, please review your details and forward any additional information, up-dates, corrections to:
*MEGA is open to all Marines who served honorably and completed tours with the Marine Security Guard program at all levels.
To Join go to the MEGA Site at
Our mission is to provide accurate and vetted information which reflects the history of the Marine Security Guard Program while ensuring operational security of Military, DOS and local personnel on post.
We want to provide a comprehensive library of information that archives the legacy of the Marine Security Guard Program and honors the sacrifices made by MSGs who have served at Department of State diplomatic posts around the world.
The MEGA Marine Security Guard Historical Archives is a volunteer effort to research, archive and display the history of the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group.
This effort requires volunteers with a varied set of skills:
Archives Web Site Maintenance
Historical Archivists
Historical Research of On-Line Encyclopedias, Military, Dept of State and News Outlets
Interviewing MSGs

Joe Mitchell
Mary Tracy
Jack McGarry
Josh Schenkler
Contact Us
Marine Embassy Guard Association
98 Chelmsford Drive
Aurora, OH 44202-8811